how to draw objects in 3d space

The 3D Editor

In this tutorial, we'll await at how to start working in 3D in Godot. Yous'll learn how to navigate in the 3D editor, how to create and manipulate 3D objects, and how to work with some of Godot'south essential 3D nodes, such as cameras and lighting.

Are you set?

A word of warning: 3D development can be quite a fleck more complex than working in 2nd. While many of the same principles apply - such equally working with nodes, writing scripts, and handling logic/data - 3D brings with information technology a number of other considerations. For this reason, it's a good idea to stick to 2D for your kickoff few projects, moving to 3D once you have a good understanding of the game development procedure. This tutorial will presume you have completed at least an introductory Godot 2D project, such every bit the one in the [official Godot tutorial] (

Getting Started in 3D

1 of Godot'south strengths is its power to handle both 2D and 3D games. While much of what you've learned working on 2d projects (nodes, scenes, signals, etc.) applies equally well in 3D, at that place is as well a whole new layer of complexity and capabilities. First, you'll find that there are some additional features bachelor in the 3D editor window, so we'll start there:

Orienting in 3D Space

When y'all first open a new projection in Godot, you volition encounter the 3D project view:


The first thing you should discover is the iii colored lines in the center. These are the x (blood-red), y (green), and z (blue) axes. The point where they meet is the origin, which has the coordinates (0, 0, 0). You'll find that this colour scheme volition also apply elsewhere in the Inspector.

Different 3D applications follow different conventions for orientation. Godot uses Y-Up orientation, so that when looking at the axes, if x is pointing to the left/right, then y is up/down, and z is forward/back. Some other popular 3D software uses Z-Up. Information technology's skillful to keep this in heed when moving between applications.

Navigation in 3D is performed using the mouse and keyboard. Here are the basic controls for the view photographic camera:

  • Mousewheel upward/down: zoom in/out
  • Middle push button + drag: orbit camera effectually electric current target
  • Shift + eye button + drag: pan camera
  • Correct-click + drag: rotate photographic camera in place

In addition, if you're familiar with popular 3D games, you might prefer Freelook mode, which y'all can toggle on/off using Shift+F. In this fashion, yous tin utilize the WASD keys to fly effectually the scene while aiming with the mouse.

You can besides change the camera'due south view by clicking on the [Perspective] characterization in the upper-left corner. Here, y'all can snap the photographic camera to a item orientation.


Adding 3D Objects

Now let'southward add our first 3D node. Just as all 2D nodes inherit from Node2D, which provides properties such as position and rotation, 3D nodes inherit from Spatial. Add i to your scene and you'll run across the post-obit object appear at the origin:


This object is non the node. It is something called a 3D gizmo. Gizmos are tools that permit you to move and rotate objects in space. The three rings command rotation, while the three arrows move (translate) the object forth the three axes. Note that the rings and arrows are color-coded to friction match the axis colors.

Take a few minutes to experiment and become familiar with the gizmo. Utilise Undo if you find yourself getting lost.

Sometimes you may feel the gizmos are getting in your way. You lot tin click on the mode icons to restrict yourself to simply one type of transformation: movement, rotate, or scale: alt

Global vs. Local Space

By default, the gizmo controls operate in global space. When yous rotate the object, the gizmo'southward arrows yet point along the axes. Even so, if you click the "Local Space Mode" button, the gizmo will switch to moving the body in local space.


Now when you rotate the object, the gizmo arrows point forth the object's axes and not the globe's. Switching back and along between Local and World infinite can make it much easier to place an object exactly where you want it.


Await at the Inspector for the Spatial node. Instead of a Position property, y'all have Translation, equally well equally Rotation Degrees, and Scale. Drag the object around with the gizmo and observe how these values change.

You'll also find a Transform property, which changes every bit you motility the object. A transform is a matrix that describes an object's translation, rotation, and scale all in one. The math behind transforms can become quite circuitous - you'll start working with them in a later tutorial.


Simply similar a Node2D, a Spatial has no size or appearance of its ain. In second, you would use a Sprite to add a texture to the node. In 3D, y'all need to add a mesh. A mesh is a mathematical description of a shape. It consists of a collection of points, called vertices. These vertices are connected by lines, called edges, and multiple edges (at least three) together make a face.


For instance, a cube is made upwardly of eight vertices, 12 edges, and vi faces.

Adding Meshes

Typically, meshes are created past using 3D modeling software, such as Blender. You can also find many collections of 3D models bachelor for download, if you're unable to create your own. Still, oftentimes you only need a bones shape such as a cube or sphere. In this case, Godot provides a way to create simple meshes chosen primitives.

Add together a MeshInstance node equally a child of the Spatial and in the Inspector, click its Mesh belongings:


Hither you tin can see the listing of available primitives. They represent a handy collection of common useful shapes. Select "New CubeMesh" and y'all'll see a plain cube appear on the screen. Note that the cube is white past default, although information technology may announced slightly bluish on your screen due to the default ambient lighting. We'll talk about lighting a petty fleck later.


Endeavor running the scene with your cube object. Did you see anything? In 3D, you won't meet anything in the game viewport without adding a Camera. Add together 1 and use the photographic camera's gizmo to position it pointing towards the cube:


The pinkish-royal pyramid shape on the camera is called the fustrum and represents the photographic camera'south view. Discover the minor triangular pointer which represents the camera'southward "upward" orientation. As you're moving the camera effectually, effort pressing the "Preview" button in the upper-left to see what the camera sees. Play the scene to verify everything is working equally expected.

Wrapping Up

In this tutorial you learned how to utilize Godot's 3D editor, how to add 3D nodes such every bit Spatial, MeshInstance, and Camera, and how to use gizmos to identify your objects. Yous besides learned a agglomeration of new terminology. Hopefully y'all're not overwhelmed.

In the next part, we'll look at how to build a 3D scene by importing 3D assets and how to use more of Godot's 3D nodes.

Yous can besides detect a video version of this lesson here:



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