Boy Wants to Be a Girl Mom Gets Hormones Now He Wants to Be Boy Again

A transgender pride flag flies over a rally to mark the 50th ceremony of the Stonewall Riots in New York Urban center on June 28, 2019.
Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images

What the boxing over a 7-twelvemonth-old trans girl could hateful for families nationwide

Legislators desire to take a say in whether Luna Younger should exist immune to socially transition.

Around age 3, Luna Younger started asking to clothing dresses. Since the age of 5, she has insisted she is a girl. At present Luna is 7, and during court hearings, physicians, school staff, and family members have all testified that Luna has consistently, persistently identified as a girl.

While Luna'southward mother respects her daughter'due south gender identity — letting her wear what she chooses, whether information technology's smash smooth, dresses, or longer hair — Luna's father does not. He insists Luna is non transgender. These polarizing differences over how to raise and treat a kid are why trans families and advocates, as well as conservatives, have been closely watching the custody battle over the Coppell, Texas, trans daughter.

After 15 months in court, on October 22, the jury awarded Luna's female parent, Anne Georgulas, full conservatorship of her daughter. It was a decision that brought relief to the trans community and outraged conservatives who believe supporting a trans child'southward gender identity is tantamount to kid abuse.

People were and so riled up online, some sent threats to Georgulas; she was "viciously attacked and threatened by complete strangers," her attorneys told the Daily Caller. Several prominent Texas officials even added to the fray, including Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who promised to social club the state's child protective services to investigate Georgulas. State Rep. Steve Toth said he would advise a bill to "add 'Transitioning of a Small' as Child Abuse."

Two days after the argue boiled over online, Estimate Kim Cooks decided to vacate the jury decision. Instead, she granted the parents "joint managing conservatorship," which is the equivalent of joint custody in Texas. (Cooks has maintained that she did not make her decision based on whatever regime official's opinion; she has non responded to Vox's request for annotate.) While Georgulas, a pediatrician, had requested that the courtroom order Luna'southward father, Jeffrey Younger, to respect their girl'south gender identity, Cooks said that "the Court finds that the Country of Texas has no compelling interest to justify such interference."

The ruling has brought more questions than answers: When one parent honors her child'southward gender identity and the other does not, what does that mean for the child? More than specifically, what will it mean for her socialization, her mental well-being, and who she's allowed to be?

Trans advocates say Cooks's decision is a dangerous misstep. "Transgender children are among the well-nigh vulnerable members of the adjacent generation," Gillian Branstetter, media relations managing director at the National Heart for Transgender Equality, told Vox. "Nosotros know they experience any variety of godawful barriers to their ain success, including bullying and harassment, including psychological distress, often resulting from such harassment, [and] family rejection. … It does a serious disservice to those kids to requite any incentive for a parent to reject their child for who they are."

On Tuesday, Georgulas filed to appeal the judge'due south ruling, co-ordinate to a press release from a family unit representative. The mother is asking Cooks to recuse herself subsequently allegedly posting about the example on her personal Facebook while deliberations were ongoing. This is after the judge had placed a gag order on Georgulas and Younger from commenting about the instance, acknowledging that the publicity from it was affecting Luna'southward and her twin brother's privacy and well-being. (Georgulas and Younger are nonetheless currently nether gag order; Younger's attorney did not return Vox's request for comment.)

Since the verdict, a representative for Georgulas, Karen Hirsch, said that a rock was thrown through a window at Georgulas'southward firm while the children were sleeping and that Georgulas has been forced to shut her pediatric do after dead animals and graffiti were left outside the door. Meanwhile, parents in Luna's neighborhood are afraid to send their children to form after Younger had named the school online — they feel their children could exist in danger from those trying to attack Luna.

The case has hit a boiling point where lives experience threatened and trans families within and outside of Texas feel unsafe — all over whether a child should be allowed to wear a dress and be called "she" and "her."

Before the custody boxing, Luna's begetter launched a campaign to "save" his child that's been championed past the far right

The legal boxing over Luna — and, ultimately, how she is immune to place — reached a tipping point in Baronial 2018 when Georgulas filed for a restraining order against Younger, specifically seeking to forestall him from inbound Luna's schoolhouse and telling people "that the gender of Luna is different than a girl named Luna."

In response, Younger petitioned for total conservatorship that same calendar month. Up until this point, he had been allowed to come across his kids once a week for 2 hours and on the first, 3rd, and fifth weekends of each month since 2017, though court testimony indicates he frequently skipped his visitation days. He also launched a social media entrada to "save" his child from the supposed harm of transitioning. For a kid of Luna's age, this is solely social and consists of keeping her hair long, choosing her own clothing, and using a feminine proper noun and pronouns.

Notwithstanding, the conservative entrada spread incorrect fears that Georgulas was seeking to immediately "chemically castrate" the child — a misinformed, scary-sounding reference to hormone medications that would suppress Luna's testosterone production and replace information technology with estrogen, which would typically be years in Luna's future, according to standard medical guidelines. The but plans Georgulas had, according to court transcripts, was to take Luna to a Children's Health clinic for transgender kids in Dallas. There, they would discuss a programme for potentially starting her on puberty blockers, which are reversible, in the next few years if Luna's gender dysphoria persists. (The clinic did not return Vox'due south requests for comment.)

Seizing on Younger'due south narrative of Georgulas manipulating her kid, right-fly media outlets similar LifeSiteNews and the Daily Wire likewise accused Georgulas of forcing Luna to exist transgender "considering she wanted a girl." But that claim seems rather flimsy because Georgulas has two older daughters from a prior wedlock.

In court testimony, Georgulas said that she would adopt if Luna were non transgender, only she supports her child'south gender identity regardless of her own feelings. "From my noesis as a pediatrician and also from the inquiry I've washed, it is improve to affirm for the psychological well-being of the child … [doctors recommended] that nosotros assert the kid's choices, whatever those choices are," she said.

Meanwhile, Younger made the conservative media excursion rounds, insisting it was Georgulas who was forcing Luna to present as a girl. Luna "presents as a boy with me and [she] presents as a girl with his mom," Younger told LifeSiteNews, a bourgeois Christian website, in September. "[She] gets dressed as a boy at [her] female parent'south domicile and [she] comes out to me every bit a boy. That means that [she's] comfy every bit a boy at [her] mother'south home." Georgulas and others who have testified take disputed this latter part, saying it was Younger forcing Luna to nowadays every bit a boy.

Maternal arraign appears to be common when it comes to trans children of estranged couples. While data on the number of trans children involved in custody disputes doesn't yet be, a Family Court Review study released before this twelvemonth examined the cases of ten divorced mothers who affirm their child'south trans- and gender non-conforming identities. In each of the 10 cases, the child'due south father blamed the affirming mother for "causing" the child to be trans, and courts gave a favorable ruling to the father in four of those cases. However, "parents probably have little or no influence on the kid's core feelings that define him or her as gender typical or gender variant," the report said.

Overall, conservative media has used the custody instance to not just bash transgender people ("When they come for your kid" blared a headline in the American Conservative, which was followed past a roundup of disinformation), only to demonize a female parent and pocket-sized child. "It has resulted in threats, harassment, and even vandalism of my client's holding," attorneys for Georgulas told the Daily Caller in a statement.

Despite how the far correct has painted Georgulas, it is Younger'southward character that has come under legal scrutiny. According to court documents of the disparateness of his and Georgulas's marriage, the court establish that Younger lied well-nigh multiple aspects of his life: his career, his previous marriages, his income, his education, and even his military service. Information technology was enough for a Texas court to counteract their 6-year marriage because it was entered into nether fraudulent terms.

Judge Cooks also chosen out Younger for profiting off a violation of his family'due south privacy. "The male parent finds comfort in public controversy and attending surrounded by his use of unfounded facts and is thus motivated past financial gain of approximately $139,000 which he has received at the price of the protection and privacy of his children," she wrote in her judgment, referring to a crowdfunding and merchandising scheme launched final twelvemonth by Younger.

Even conservative pundit Glenn Beck expressed concern over Younger'due south past. On his radio show, he read the courtroom's findings of fact showing that Younger acted aggressively toward Georgulas's older daughters, withholding their possessions, locking them in their rooms, and forcing them to practise "plank push-ups" until they agreed to follow business firm rules.

That aggressiveness was also directed at Luna, co-ordinate to Georgulas's attorney Kim Meaders. "[Luna] has said to CPS that she is afraid of her male parent," she said in her opening statement. "Her brother has said that she is sad and her father makes her sad. By making her dress in boys' clothes, that makes Luna sorry."

What's currently at stake is Luna'south social transitioning

Perhaps the greatest falsehood of all, co-ordinate to official court records, is that Luna hasn't been clear about how she identifies.

According to a transcript of a July x, 2018, hearing in the example, Luna's twin brother, a CPS worker, a therapist, and a pediatrician all attest to Luna'southward gender identity as a girl. The medical professionals who take seen Luna have recommended she be affirmed and treated as a daughter, and it'south Younger who refuses to take his child's gender identity.

In April 2017, Luna asked to exist referred to by the name Luna. At age v, Luna was diagnosed by a qualified professional therapist as having gender dysphoria, distress stemming from a mismatch between her birth sex and her gender identity. Her pediatrician noted that at both her 5-year and 6-yr checkups, Luna presented as a girl and has been persistent in her gender identity throughout her childhood.

Thousands of New Yorkers gathered in Times Foursquare to protestation President Trump's call to ban transgender people from the military on July 26, 2017.
Michael Nigro/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

"The father doesn't follow the recommendations of the advisor or the pediatrician, and he shames her to try to make her experience bad for wanting to wearing apparel as a daughter," Meaders, Georgulas'due south attorney, told the court. "Even though the father knows she wants super-long hair, he shaves her head when he has the opportunity and leaves the other twin boy'due south pilus long," referring to her twin blood brother Jude.

It is the pilus-shaving particular that stands out equally specially fell to trans people and advocates. "Luna's male parent has been very insistent on cutting her hair extremely short, and that is like i of my girl'south biggest dysphoric points," Jane, a Dallas-area mother of a trans kid who knows Luna (and whose name has been inverse for this story) told Phonation. "For her, all of this is about the fact that Luna is being forced to take brusk hair. She doesn't sympathize all the other ramifications."

Luna's hair figures and then prominently in this case because at age 7, hair is often the just differentiating physical indicator of a child'southward gender. Clothed, boys' and girls' bodies at that age are substantially the same, having not notwithstanding undergone any furnishings from puberty. A trans child at age 7 does not brand permanent changes to their torso, despite what Younger claims Georgulas wants to do.

Ultimately, the dispute at this current stage — and several years into the time to come — is over Luna'southward social transition: how she wears her pilus, what clothes she wears, her name, and pronouns.

"There is no medical intervention of whatsoever sort prior to someone striking puberty," Dr. Joshua Safer, executive manager at the Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at Mount Sinai and president of the United States Professional Clan for Transgender Health, told Vox. "Then modest children do not get medicines and small children do not get surgeries, for sure.

"The standard arroyo when kids are gender expansive — when they say they're transgender, when they remember they're transgender, whatsoever that might happen, to get a inkling that this might be going on — is pretty much to listen to the kid and to kind of follow their guidance in terms of what they desire to exercise, what the child wants to do," he added.

Safer says information technology's important to develop an individualized program for mental and physical health for gender dysphoric kids and adolescents. Varying degrees of family support for transition means coexisting mental wellness issues are of import to examine for any trans child; at that place'south no one-size-fits-all solution for all kids. Well-nigh of all, the child must feel comfortable with the programme.

Genecis, the Children's Health clinic where Georgulas wanted to Luna to receive care, makes it clear on its website that it does not perform gender-related surgeries. In providing comprehensive, age-advisable mental health and hormonal treat trans youth and adolescents, it follows established guidelines from major medical associations in its treatment. The jury'due south conclusion, earlier it was overruled by the approximate, would take immune her to Luna to receive care at the clinic without Younger's approval. At present she won't be able to.

According to court transcripts, Younger had missed several appointments with medical professionals who take worked with Luna, claiming to want opinions from other providers. Nonetheless, at the time, he hadn't followed through on those requests.

Over the by decade, medical experts take moved from "watchful waiting" to a gender-affirming approach for trans children

Boiling nether the surface of the custody battle is a medical dispute over how all-time to care for and support children with gender dysphoria. Younger claimed in court that he supports the "watchful waiting" approach to dysphoric youth. Watchful waiting wasn't given its name until 2012, merely information technology's based on an older approach developed past Dutch and Canadian clinicians in the mid-to-tardily aughts that suggests that parents must ensure their children perform the function of their assigned sexual practice at nascence.

Nether watchful waiting, a prepubescent trans girl like Luna would be forced to maintain short hair, clothing stereotypical boy clothes, form friendships with boys her age, maintain her nativity name and pronouns under the conventionalities that it's statistically probable that her dysphoria volition desist past the time puberty begins. If Luna's dysphoria does persist, only then would she exist given puberty blockers, so she can mature earlier making a more permanent conclusion on hormone handling.

Political forces opposed to social transitions for children are fond of saying "let kids exist kids" — but watchful waiting seems counterintuitive to that goal.

"Watchful waiting is a deceptive term," said Kelley Winters, a writer and consultant on issues of gender diversity in medical and public policy, told Vocalisation. "There's nothing neutral. Information technology's meant to sound effectively neutral, and there'southward null neutral about forcing trans kids to spend their childhoods in the closet and abound up with admittedly no memories of being authentically present in their entire childhood."

The arroyo is based on older statistics that as many every bit 80 percent of children with gender dysphoria volition eventually desist and grow into cisgender adults. Merely those numbers, according to Safer, are flawed.

"In terms of that desistance 80 percent comment, that'southward an quondam Dutch study where they didn't enquire the blunt question about your gender identity to these kids," he said. "They kind of danced around the topic with a agglomeration of other questions and kind of assumed they knew the gender identities, but I don't know that information technology shows much of anything. Information technology only shows that fourscore percent of kids who answer questions in a stereotypical way, that yous think might exist associated with gender identity, cease up not being transgender. Simply there'due south a lot of bias in the questions."

At issue is the fact that when the Dutch and Canadian studies were conducted, the official diagnosis for gender-variant kids was "gender identity disorder." In guild to exist diagnosed with GID, a child but had to brandish cross-gender dress or behavior, regardless of whether they declared themselves to actually be a member of the opposite sex. The effect of this diagnosis is that cisgender gay and lesbian children, who also frequently display cross-gender preferences without declaring themselves to exist the opposite gender before puberty, were caught upwardly in the clinicians' studies and so of form they would "desist" later on on.

Even Thomas Steensma, a researcher and clinician at the Eye of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria in Amsterdam and a proponent for watchful waiting, has noted the earlier samples may have included "milder cases" that are "hard to compare with the clinical samples we run into at present in our clinics," in an interview with KQED last year. Merely he still urged circumspection with social transitioning of prepubescent children. "With certain steps like a proper noun change or a pronoun change, with a result that maybe others will only perceive you as a girl — that's somewhere where we say, 'Okay, maybe yous should explore things without taking steps that are hard to reverse.'" (Steensma hasn't returned Vox'southward request for comment.)

In 2012, gender identity disorder was changed to the less stigmatizing term "gender dysphoria," distress resulting from a mismatch between the child's natal gender and their internal sense of their gender identity. Nowadays, in order to qualify for a gender dysphoria diagnosis, the child must be persistent, insistent, and consistent in their gender identity over a long menses of time, criteria that didn't exist under the older diagnosis.

Similarly, watchful waiting equally a concept has been pushed to the fringes in American medicine as of late, as it is seen as needlessly punitive to the child. Instead, what's more than ordinarily recommended is the affirming method, which allows gender-expansive children to more freely experiment with their gender expression, trying on new names or pronouns as needed. Information technology's an individualized approach without permanent outcomes. Rather than attempting to prepare a prepubescent kid's perceived gender-related "disorder," the affirming arroyo, which recommends social transitioning if the child wants information technology, seeks to lessen the actual dysphoria experienced by the child without medical treatment.

The affirming model has been recommended by nearly every major American medical association, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Clan, the Endocrine Society, the Globe Professional Clan for Transgender Health, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and many others. "What is most of import is for a parent to listen, respect and support their child's self-expressed identity. This encourages open conversations that may exist difficult only key to the kid'southward mental health and the family's resilience and wellbeing," wrote Jason Rafferty, a doctor at Hasbro Children'southward Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island, and a professor at Brown Academy, in a cardinal AAP argument on affirming the gender identities of trans youth released last October.

"The child isn't going to educate him or herself into existence transgender [if their gender identity is affirmed]," Safer said. "They're going to say how they experience and you tin pretty much be respectful and they won't be railroaded into anything, which I think is the anxiety that people nonetheless accept, and there was some anxiety in the by in the medical establishment, but I think the medical institution is getting more than and more comfortable that that does not seem like a likely issue."

Critics of the affirming model fret that cisgender kids may unknowingly get caught up in a gender transition that they will later come to regret, but according to Safer, the key is to be cautious and go along communication open with kids. The ones who are sure of themselves will continuously tell you so.

About every major American medical association has recommended using the "affirming method" for gender-expansive children, rather than the "watchful waiting" method.
Getty Images

Safer has said that within his previous practice in Boston and his electric current 1 in New York Urban center, he's seen less than 1 percent of his own patients, among several hundred cases, end up desisting. "We certainly don't want to be taking transgender kids and not treating them because we know nosotros're not perfect in our understanding," he said. "There are opportunities, once again, to go slow and there'southward a real range. The kids who are certain of their gender identity, those are not the kids who come back 10 years afterward and say that it was wrong to do the treatment."

According to a 2016 Academy of Washington report of 73 children with gender dysphoria, trans kids who are affirmed in their gender identity showed typical rates of depression and only slightly elevated rates of anxiety compared to their non-transgender peer groups. "These findings suggest that familial back up in general, or specifically via the decision to allow their children to socially transition, may be associated with better mental health outcomes among transgender children," the study said.

Meanwhile, a 2018 written report shows that using a trans kid's chosen proper noun and pronouns significantly reduces suicide risk.

By the fourth dimension Luna persists to the stage where her family would need to consider puberty blockers, which co-ordinate to Georgulas'southward testimony is sometime betwixt the ages of 9 and 11, she would have been persistent, insistent, and consequent in her gender identity for at least six years, with another two or so years to become before having to make a decision about whether to pursue puberty as a girl through the apply of cross-sex hormones.

While puberty blockers merely deed as a break on an adolescent's natal puberty, cross-sexual activity hormones would be used to initiate the puberty of the opposite sexual activity if the teen's dysphoria still persists. Blockers are a tool to keep permanent changes from natal puberty from taking identify and so that adolescents age ix to xiv can exist more mentally mature before deciding on the form of their permanent treatment when the fourth dimension comes, according to Safer. Cross-sex hormones would mean testosterone injections for trans boys and a combination of a testosterone blocker in improver to estrogen for trans girls. Safer says it's a conscientious and cautious system that besides respects the autonomy immature trans people should have over their own lives and bodies.

Withal, ultra-conservatives and trans-exclusionary radical feminists, forth with some farthermost sexologists, have other ideas for those children's futures, lobbying to ban puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for all minors. While they've tried to appropriate the "watchful waiting" clarification, their approach is more than traditionally known as the "reparative method," a form of conversion therapy. They appeal to the fallacy that natal puberty is natural and therefore necessary for all kids.

Just this approach would force trans girls into male person puberty and trans boys into female puberty without their consent, and brings along its own permanent changes, which could merely partially be reversed through painful and expensive medical treatments in machismo. Trans women forced through male puberty would so have to undergo painful and expensive electrolysis to remove facial hair and may be left with a torso frame (shoulder and hip width) that would exist unchangeable by whatsoever surgeries. Trans men would have to have surgery to remove their breasts and, similar their trans female counterparts, exist forced to alive in an unwanted body frame for their entire lives.

So there are the repercussions of depriving adolescents of social transitioning. Forcing trans people to look until adulthood deprives them of a childhood where they tin be their total selves. Gendered socialization is also missed, dumping adult trans people into a new gender role without the experience to handle fragile gendered social situations such as dating or employment. Trans women are ofttimes perceived as likewise aggressive afterward transitioning in the workplace, thanks to sexist gender expectations. Allowing for an earlier social transition would allow trans adolescents learn how to handle these situations on the same time scale as their cisgender peers.

Withal, those most invested in maintaining a strict gender dichotomy are the same crowd that'southward ardently opposed to the existence of trans people, especially trans kids.

Luna's case has fueled the bourgeois war on transgender people

Beyond the larger questions over how to treat gender expansive and dysphoric children, the Luna Younger instance serves every bit yet another battleground in the bourgeois war against the transgender community at large. What concerns Jane, the Dallas-expanse parent of a trans child, though, is how powerful land and federal officials have taken aim at individual trans children in order to push their political agenda.

"I'm really concerned nearly what this looks like moving forward in politics that our politicians here in Texas, our legislators that are supposed to be protecting all children, are explicitly targeting a 7-year-old for their own political proceeds," she said. "That's really frightening that they're stooping to those levels."

In addition to Governor Abbott, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and the president's son, Donald Trump Jr., a frequent commenter on trans problems, likewise chimed in on the case, both calling Luna's transition "child abuse."

Riding the wave of conservative outrage, Texas legislator Matt Krause has floated the idea of banning the utilise of puberty blockers in gender dysphoric children in the country, a motility which, if replicated in other states, could rip thousands of adolescents off of gender-affirming treatment and forcefulness trans girls like Luna to develop facial and body hair in addition to stereotypically male secondary sex activity characteristics without her consent. Or information technology could force her to travel hundreds of miles out of state to seek the same treatment.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is i of several conservative politicians who take equated affirming transgender children's identities with "child abuse."
Sergio Flores/Getty Images

Young man Republican legislator Steve Toth promised on Twitter that the offset bill in the next legislative session in 2021 would aim at designating affirming a trans kid's gender identity every bit child abuse under state law. This would mean the state would legislate the dress, proper noun, and hair of a kid.

The movement against trans kids has also spread across Texas country lines. Early on terminal week, Georgia Republican state Rep. Ginny Ehrhart proposed the "Vulnerable Child Protection Act," which would make it illegal for medical providers to consider any treatment which would result in "sterilization, mastectomy, vasectomy, castration and other forms of genital mutilation," many of which are non treatments considered for trans adolescents. However, Ehrhart's bill would too ban puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for every individual under the age of eighteen. A like bill has also been floated by a Kentucky state lawmaker following the Younger case.

Among the disinformation tossed around past conservative media recently was a report that the puberty-blocking drug Lupron was responsible for the death of thousands of people. However, an NBC News study on the controversy found that the drug's chief usage is to care for hormone-dependent cancers such equally terminal prostate cancer and the drug was used as office of treatment and was not the cause of death in those cases.

Branstetter said that the Younger case in particular is dangerous considering information technology's so personal for i family. "This has been a constant disinformation war among a legion of conservative media sites that has sought to disparage transgender people and to fear-monger about our wellness care," she said. "To play into those easily, as the governor has washed in this case, it's exploitative. It is using a family unit and a child as a means to score political points and you're doing and so without their consent."

Jane said the attending to the case has given her serious doubts near her public advocacy every bit a parent of a trans child in Texas. She has hired It professionals to monitor her family unit'southward tech and installed boosted security cameras effectually her house. "It'due south been really, really stressful, intense," she said. "And lots of tears, lots of sleepless nights. And lots of phone calls from other people figuring out how they can support this family."

Already, the attention from country and national conservative politicians has had a chilling upshot on trans-supportive parents. Several Texas-based parents of trans kids declined to speak with Vox for this story because they were specifically agape of the governor calling CPS on them. Branstetter notes that many parents of trans kids proceed what'due south called a "safe book," which documents every instance of observable gender dysphoria and every medical and psychological appointment considering strangers who disagree with allowing children to socially transition often call CPS with accusations of child abuse. One clinician who was approached for an interview for this story had been told by their institution non to comment for a slice that mentioned "ongoing litigation."

While Texas families with trans kids fear official authorities retaliation for supporting their children's transitions, the family at the eye of the example is left to deal with the fallout. Lost in the media frenzy and the courtroom dispute has been Luna's own voice on the matter. "In her young mind, what this boils down to is she thinks that all of this court stuff is and then she doesn't have to cutting her hair anymore," Karen Hirsch, a family unit friend of Georgulas who is acting as a media contact, told Phonation. "That'south what it comes downward to for her. She just wants to be a girl. She doesn't desire all of [this] conflict."

Every bit of final week, Judge Cooks granted Younger an extra school day of custody a week. Hirsch said that Younger dressed Luna every bit a male child and sent her off to class on Tuesday. When she arrived, "the teacher had actress clothes and said that if you lot want to change, you may change," Hirsch said.

And when mom and dad weren't around and couldn't influence Luna one mode or the other, what did she choose to practise?

Hirsch said Luna chose to wear the dress.


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