Eastern Center for Arts and Technology Electronic Engineering Technology

ABET Accredited

The Bachelor of Scientific discipline in Electronic Systems Technology Technology at the Virginia Embankment and Newport News, VA campuses and Online are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of Advocate, www.advocate.org.

Electronic Systems Engineering Technology Overview

ESET graduates function in multidisciplinary teams to pattern, install, maintain, and repair systems, components, or processes coming together specific needs for engineering applications. They serve as a link between engineers and technicians in the workplace where they play a key role from the conception of electronic systems until their implementation. They are involved in the evolution, testing, production, and quality assurance of components and/or systems such as circuit boards, wireless phones, medical equipment, and control systems.

The curriculum provides ESET graduates with the education and foundation needed for employment in a variety of industries in the private and public sector, including the computer industry, homeland security, automation and manufacturing, and education. Electronic Systems concentration graduates are employed in a wide spectrum of areas in positions such as engineering consultant, electric engineering or estimator engineering technologist, production engineer, or project manager. Through ECPI University'southward twelvemonth-circular schedule, you could earn a Bachelor of Scientific discipline Caste in Electronic Systems Engineering Applied science with a concentration in Electronic Systems in as little as 2.five years.

Advanced Manufacturing Skills Gap Infographic

Program Requirements

Grade ID Course Name Credits
EET110 EET110 Electrical Circuits I 3.00
ESET111 ESET111 Electric Circuits 2 three.00
ESET111L ESET111L Electric Circuits LAB 1.00
EET310 EET310 Circuit Assay three.00
EET120 EET120 Semiconductor Devices iii.00
EET121 EET121 Electronic Systems Applications iii.00
EET220 EET220 Industrial Applications three.00
EET221L EET221L Instrumentation and Measurement LAB ane.00
EET130 EET130 Digital Systems I three.00
EET230 EET230 Digital Systems II iii.00
EET230L EET230L Digital Systems LAB 1.00
CIS150 CIS150 Introduction to Networking 3.00
CIS126 CIS126 Introduction to Programming 3.00
EET207 EET207 Applied Engineering science Programming 3.00
EET231 EET231 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers 3.00
EET231L EET231L Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers LAB 1.00
EET331 EET331 Programmable Controllers and Robotics 3.00
EET331L EET331L Programmable Controllers and Robotics LAB ane.00
EET411 EET411 Senior Project 3.00
EET411L EET411L Senior Project LAB one.00
MET400 MET400 Senior Projection 3.00
MET400L MET400L Senior Project LAB one.00
EET390 EET390 Motor Drives 3.00
EET390L EET390L Motor Drives LAB i.00
EET430 EET430 Microcontrollers 3.00
EET430L EET430L Microcontrollers LAB 1.00

Choose one Lecture Course and Corresponding Lab from the post-obit: EET390 - Motor Drives and EET390L - Motor Drives LAB or EET430 - Microcontrollers and EET430L - Microcontrollers LAB

Course ID Course Name Credits
CAP480 CAP480 Arts and Sciences Capstone iii.00
COM115 COM115 Principles of Communication iii.00
ENG110 ENG110 College Composition 3.00
ENG120 ENG120 Advanced Composition 3.00
HUM205 HUM205 Culture and Diversity: Exploring the Humanities 3.00
MTH131 MTH131 College Algebra three.00
MTH200 MTH200 Pre-calculus 3.00
MTH220 MTH220 Applied Calculus I 3.00
MTH320 MTH320 Applied Calculus 2 three.00
PHY120 PHY120 Physics iii.00
PHY120L PHY120L Physics LAB i.00
ECO201 ECO201 Macroeconomics 3.00
ECO202 ECO202 Microeconomics 3.00
PSY105 PSY105 Introduction to Psychology iii.00
PSY220 PSY220 Positive Psychology three.00

*For allowable substitutions of arts and sciences courses, see the Arts and Sciences Department page

Form ID Course Name Credits
CIS101 CIS101 Computer Configuration I three.00
COR090 COR090 Career Orientation Seminar 0.00
ET102 ET102 Technology Math & Software Applications 3.00
FOR110 FOR110 Essentials for Success 3.00
Credit 60 minutes(s) total 9.00

Concentration Requirements

Course ID Course Proper noun Credits
EET191 EET191 Materials Science 3.00
EET192 EET192 Graphics Communication 3.00
EET192L EET192L Introduction to iii-D Modeling LAB i.00
MET211 MET211 Statics three.00
MET230 MET230 Hydraulics & Pneumatics Systems 3.00
MET410 MET410 Dynamics 3.00
Credit 60 minutes(s) full 16.00
Form ID Course Name Credits
EET251 EET251 Computer Configuration Ii 3.00
EET251L EET251L Calculator Configuration Ii LAB one.00
EET320 EET320 Semiconductor Processing iii.00
EET380 EET380 Digital Communications I three.00
ESET280 ESET280 Introduction to Communications Systems 3.00
EET252 EET252 Data Communications and Networking 3.00
CIS225 CIS225 Network Protocols and Services 3.00

*Cull either EET252 -Data Communications and Networking or CIS225 - Network Protocols and Services

Course ID Course Name Credits
BUS102 BUS102 Fundamentals of Customer Service 3.00
BUS121 BUS121 Introduction to Business organization three.00
BUS242 BUS242 Applied science Optimization 3.00
BUS328 BUS328 Business Process Comeback 3.00
BUS328L BUS328L Business Procedure Improvement LAB 1.00
CIS106 CIS106 Introduction to Operating Systems 3.00
CIS121 CIS121 Logic and Pattern 3.00
CIS123 CIS123 Introduction to Python Scripting three.00
CIS126L CIS126L Introduction to Programming Lab 1.00
CIS202 CIS202 Introduction to Routing and Switching 3.00
CIS204 CIS204 Intermediate Routing and Switching 3.00
CIS206 CIS206 Linux Administration iii.00
CIS207L CIS207L Network Routing and Switching LAB 1.00
CIS214 CIS214 Object-Oriented Programming Using C# iii.00
CIS215 CIS215 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ 3.00
CIS218 CIS218 Object-Oriented Programming Using JAVA three.00
CIS226 CIS226 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming 3.00
CIS228 CIS228 Service Desk Fundamentals 3.00
CIS245 CIS245 Windows Client and Server 3.00
CIS245L CIS245L Windows Customer and Server LAB i.00
CIS282 CIS282 Spider web Interface Pattern 3.00
EET272 EET272 Fiber Eyes Communication 3.00
EET272L EET272L Cobweb Optics Communication LAB one.00
EET301 EET301 Special Topics in Engineering Technology 3.00
EET302 EET302 Externship-EET Sr. III 3.00
EET306 EET306 Externship-EET Sr. I-a 1.00
EET307 EET307 Externship-EET Sr. I-b i.00
EET308 EET308 Externship-EET Sr. I-c 1.00
EET309 EET309 Externship-EET Sr. II 2.00
EET350 EET350 Overview of Electronic Security Devices 3.00
EET352 EET352 Engineering Economics 3.00
MET114 MET114 Introduction to Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) 3.00
MET213 MET213 Advanced iii-D Modeling 3.00
MET221 MET221 Manufacturing Processes 3.00
MET230L MET230L Hydraulics & Pneumatics Systems Lab 1.00
MET311 MET311 Mechanisms 3.00
MET313 MET313 Practical Force of Materials iii.00
MET330 MET330 Applied Fluid Mechanics 3.00
MET330L MET330L Practical Fluid Mechanics LAB i.00
PMT472 PMT472 Applied Projection Management three.00
PMT472L PMT472L Applied Projection Management LAB one.00

Electronic Systems Engineering Technology Program Description

The Electronic Systems Applied science Technology, ESET, plan focuses on real-world applications of engineering principles. The plan provides a career pathway for individuals who like working with their hands, putting things together, and combining different systems to come up with a solution for a existent-world problem. The Electronic Systems and Mechatronics concentrations offer a broad exposure to analog and digital electronics, engineering science programming, instrumentation and measurement systems, as well as embedded and drive systems. Learn past doing while grasping a firm theoretical foundation in electronics. Put to practice your acquired knowledge through a culminating capstone experience.

With the new emerging technologies, a skilled workforce in the electronics field has been and will go along to be in need for the pattern and implementation of new innovative solutions and products.

Electronic Systems Engineering Technology Possible Career Track

Upon completion, graduates with a Bachelor of Scientific discipline Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering Engineering, ESET, with a concentration in Electronic Systems could perchance pursue a multifariousness of entry-level positions such every bit:

  • Electrical/Estimator Engineering Technologist
  • Industrial Technology Technologist
  • Product Engineer Technologist
  • Project Manager

Electronic Systems Engineering Technology Outcomes

Program Objectives

Graduates of the B.S. Electronic Systems Engineering Engineering programs are expected to reach the following objectives within a few years of graduation:

  • Apply acquired technical and analytical skills as it relates to their professional person positions in electrical, electronic, and related industries.
  • Employ relative mathematical, science, and technology methods to solve technical problems.
  • Analyze and implement circuitous systems including both hardware and software.
  • Pursue lifelong learning and successful professional careers.
  • Perform as effective squad members through adequate oral and written communication skills.
  • Chronicle and exercise an educated judgment in regards to their professional and upstanding responsibilities.

Students in the B.S. Electronic Systems Engineering science Technology, ESET program learn to pattern and integrate electronic systems through a strong foundation in analog and digital electronics. They are able to use the acquired technology and mathematical principles to implement and improve systems and/or processes for technology applications.

Plan Outcomes

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Electronic Systems Engineering science Technology, ESET, graduates are expected to have:

  • An ability to apply noesis, techniques, skills and mod tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and engineering science to solve broadly defined engineering bug appropriate to the discipline;
  • An ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly-defined technology issues appropriate to the discipline;
  • An power to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both defined technical and non-technical environments; and an power to identify and use appropriate technical literature;
  • An power to carry standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and translate the results to meliorate processes; and
  • An ability to role effectively as a member or leader on a technical squad.

Electronic Systems Concentration

  • Pattern and configure computer, advice, and command systems
  • Clarify typical circuits used in advice systems


Source: https://www.ecpi.edu/programs/electronic-systems-engineering-technology-bachelors-degree

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